1.9 LT John Castillo, 7/0
My fear was a decline. As it stands, cornerstone of O line.
1.32 DT Jeffery Mansfield, 4/-1
Decline slightly disappointing but still improves D Line.
2.8 LG John Cray, 3/13
I knew shouldn't have picked him second round. Knew, knew, knew it. My worst ever bust.
3.7 CB Jose Tse,4/4
CB on the rise.
3.13 WR Homer Schroyer, 1/3
Nice little improvement there. Possible #2 receiver.
4.9 CB Dominick Nussbaum, 11/5
Need to improve CBs... the improvement makes this guy a nice pickup.
5.8 WR Peter Butler, 5/2
Oh that's a nice gain. Very nice. A very nice grab in the 5th roun, pun fully intended.
6.7 DT Scott Stickel, 5/0
Okish backup.
7.9 RB Carl Valera, 4/-1
Definitely on roster bubble. May cut.
Overall, decent enough draft, improved squad with one MAJOR bust.